Digest #21

Don Rosa 72260.2635 at CompuServe.COM
Mon May 17 16:50:25 CEST 1993

	First of all, I just re-sent some "returned" mail. But I see it mad it through after all as it was in this digest. I MUST always 
resend bounced mail since ONE TIME it really didn't make it. So just delete any resent mail that already arrived.

	Some questions about HD&L -- I'll give MY answers:

	Those might sound like nicknames, but let's not get so complicated that we try to say they have other names. I know that sounds 
weird coming from somebody who has gone to immense trouble composing this Family Tree, but I hafta draw the line somewhere, and saying 
that those aren't actually HD&L's names is a bit much for me.
	Their LAST name IS "Duck". Nothing odd about two unrelated people having the same last name. But... what was this crack about them 
being ADOPTED. Who says they're adopted?
	Their age is a nebulous matter. I see them as about 10 and in the 4th grade (but, of course, as bright as college grads). On my personal 
Family Tree I even have birth DATES for all the Ducks, and my birth year for HD&L is 1940. Donald and his sister Della (twins) were 
born in 1920. (Most of my selected birth years are in increments of 5.) And as to how they could all still be so young, remember that 
my stories all take place in the early-mid 50s. 
	Ranks in the Junior Woodchucks are so ever-changing that I don't think HD&L have the same rank in any two stories. In a recent "Life 
of $crooge", I showed him meeting the first three Woodchucks and tried drawing their 
hats with the tails at the bottom -- but I turned the hats into "exalted highttails" since the hats just don't LOOK right to me without 
the tails on the top. I see ALL JW caps now as being the "hightail" style... checking Barks stories will proove that.
	My "Pied Piper of Duckburg" story: nobody ever told me that Jippes ever considered finishing the tale. I'd guess his version would be 
better than mine!

	I did the covers for WALT DISNEY'S COMICS IN COLOR #1-8. But stop looking... only #1-7 were ever published. The cover for #8 was a 
dandy. Disney insisted that Donald, $crooge & Mickey could not be interacting so I had to always use them in abstract manners. #8 had 
HD&L in a museum looking at full-length portraits of the three, each portrait's frame was characteristic of the subject, and each portrait 
had a signature of either C.B. or F.G. in the artist's handwriting style (if that cover had been or ever will be used, we knew Disney 
will not allow those signatures to remain).

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