War of the Wendigo

Andrew Krieg 5-5379 krieg at ct.med.ge.com
Thu May 27 23:09:41 CEST 1993

OK, it looks like I, a lowly US citizen, may never get to see a copy of
"War of the Wendigo".  But, perhaps I can improvise.  Could one of our
overseas readers purchase me a copy of the comic with this story in it?  I,
of course, would pay for all shipping+handling, etc.

Don, do you have the script for this comic on-line?  If so, could you
post it to our mailing list (or to one person who could put it at the ftp
site)?  If not, again, could one of our overseas readers translate the
story (panel by panel) and post it?

It may not be pretty, but it would sure help me round out my collection,
and I would be eternally grateful!

Thanks much.

=     Andrew Krieg	| 						=
= krieg at ct.med.ge.com   |  Treguna   Mekoides   Trecorum   Satis   Dee	=
=	   or		|						=
= krieg at point.cs.uwm.edu| 				    - Astoroth	=

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