Top Publishers for October (fwd)

Torsten Wesley Adair torsten at
Mon Oct 4 15:18:52 CET 1993

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 3 Oct 93 22:35:24 CDT
From: matthew high <mhigh at>
To: comix at
Subject: Top Publishers for October

Here's a quick list of the top publishers for October 1993,
by dollar share of the direct market, as reported by 
Capital City.

Publisher         Year 92   6/93    7/93     8/93    9/93   10/93

Marvel             45.76%  32.01%  30.70%   30.74%  32.50%  31.12%
DC                 19.34%  16.19%  16.13%   24.75%  19.01%  20.28%
Image                      20.10%  16.02%   15.22%  14.30%  12.18%
Valiant             4.11%   8.69%  13.21%    7.46%   7.99%   7.19%
Malibu              8.55%   2.16%   2.40%    3.20%   4.29%   5.62%
Dark Horse          5.55%   2.97%   3.18%    2.77%   3.89%   3.57%
Defiant                                      1.66%   1.22%   1.66%
Wizard Press        1.51%   1.26%   2.33%    1.16%   1.29%   1.38%
Continuity           .26%   1.60%   2.20%    1.48%   1.00%   1.19%
Topps Comics         .22%   1.58%   1.65%    1.13%   1.00%   1.17%
Gladstone            .26%    .17%    .24%     .24%    .28%    .22%

Gladstone beat Archie, Aardvark-Vanheim (Cerebus), and Fleetway, so it's
not a bad as it seems.

Torsten Adair	torsten at	Omaha, NE, USA

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