Don, the moneybin and I

Mattias Hallin Mattias.Hallin at
Wed Oct 6 09:55:10 CET 1993

Hi Don, an' everybody

No hard feelings, I hope, Don?! I certainly don't mean to be a pest; although
you haven't as yet quite convinced me on the moneybin issue. But, sure: of
course I understand there's no way you could stick to Barks in EVERY single,
MINOR detail and still be able to follow this project trough; and also I think
your right when you say I should wait and read the story first (and of course
I'm going to love it - wether or not I'll agree with your decisions); so I'll
shelve this discussion for now. And please believe that I criticize OUT of
respect for your loving, painstaking labours with this, not for LACK of it.

There are a few things about your family tree, come to think of it, that I'm
not perfectly happy with either (if I may be so bold?!) but I'll check a few
things more, and then get back to you again on that...

All my best to one and all!

Mattias Hallin

"That goes to prove what I've always said!"
"What's that?"
"That when the horeshoes where handed out, Unca' Donald was there with the

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