Marco Rota

Per Starback starback at Minsk.DoCS.UU.SE
Thu Oct 14 12:49:33 CET 1993

David wrote:
>	Someone said that this was a version of "En Kleine Krack" in
> another digest, but they must be mistaken, because that's an Italian
> story and this one is one that Rota did for Egmont.  (He used to do
> stories for them once-in-a-while, but as we know now works only for
> them.)
>	Something else points to this as a Danish story besides the
> code number... mainly that this has 8-panel pages while most Italian
> stories have 6-panel ones.

I think that I've read somewhere that Egmont reworked some of Rota's
Italian viking stories and assigned new codes to the new versions.
Maybe that's the cause of the confusion?
--       "
Per Starback, Uppsala, Sweden.  email: starback at
 "Life is but a gamble!  Let flipism chart your ramble!"

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