Even more on Byzantium

bjorn-are.davidsen@s.televerket.tele.no bjorn-are.davidsen at s.televerket.tele.no
Fri Oct 15 10:08:11 CET 1993


I am very sorry if I have made you a bit perplexed! I think the lesson (for me) is 
that it seldom pays to write in a hurry, because then you'll have to write even 
more later to clear up misunderstandings.

However, I am a bit perplexed myself.  In my indeed very mild criticism of your 
fantastic story on the libraries I think never did mention (or never intended to 
mention) the AGE of the buildings. My point was the general SHAPE of some of 
them, and especially the churches (or mosques which even in todays or mid 
1950's Istanbul are kind of copies of the Byzantinian style, except for the 
addition of minarets.).  I can't see that I ever mentioned or commented on your 
drawing "modern buildings" instead of ancient ones (perhaps in some way, which 
 I certainly did not intend, it may still have been implied "between the lines"?).

And I still have to maintain that there are one small panel which must be from 
1204 (because of crusaders and burning buildings).

And to Even: I would be very inetrested in the result of your research on 
Byzantine libraries! However, I think you may have to turn to literature on 
Byzantium, because (as I mentioned in my first mail) there is a curious omission 
of references to Byzantium in most standard refereence works. 

Bjorn Are  

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