Disney-comics digest #133.

Mark Semich mas at cs.bu.edu
Thu Oct 21 04:07:43 CET 1993

The Naked Duck
David Gerstein mentioned that Disney won't let the ducks be naked.

I can't recall just where, but I *know* that I've seen Donald take off
his shirt before, and have nothing on underneath.  As you say, this
may have been in a Gladstone album.

I thought that Don Rosa had an extremely funny way of dealing with
this in "The Master Landscapist" - Donald takes off his shirt, and
he's suddenly wearing boxer shorts!

Overdue Books
>	John Clark has ordered "Guardians of the Lost Library" and it

>will apparently see print next summer.

Do you mean the summer of '94 or of '95?

You Say It's Your Birthday
>	Gladstone is planning to celebrate the Duck's sixtieth year
>with a special jubileum issue.  Anyone have any suggestions about a
>Barks 10-pager to use in it, or some particularly fine foreign story?

I've never seen any Jack Hannah Donald stories and would be very
interested to see what they're like.  My understanding (which may very
well be incorrect - please correct me if it is!) is that his work
pre-dates or is concurrent with early Barks and does some major
character establishment.

Comics Buyers Guide News

The October 29th Comics Buyers Guide has an interesting letter from
John Lustig in which he quotes both Don Rosa'a and William Van Horn's
objections to being referred to as "Barks' heir apparent".

This issue also has a review, by Dana "Duckburg Times" Gabbard, of
Alberto Becanti's "Disney Comic Book Index Volume 1", Joe Torcivia and
Christopher E. Barat's "The Donald Duck Comic-Book Index", and
"Malcolm Willits Collection of Mickey Mouse Paintings By Floyd
Gottfredson".  This review contains, among other things, info on how
to order the books and info on some of the great lengths that people
have gone to in order to discover the credits of the early Disneys.

If anyone has interest in either of these, I'd be glad to type them in.

Donald Duck 282

... has a letter from David Gerstein in it!

     "I am Scrooge McDuck of the clan McDuck.  There can be only one!"
--   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   --
mark a. semich                                               mas at csa.bu.edu

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