Disney-comics digest #134.

Mark Semich mas at cs.bu.edu
Fri Oct 22 05:25:22 CET 1993

David A Gerstein <David.A.Gerstein at williams.edu> writes:

>        Mark, I would love *nothing more* than to read those articles.
>I have no way of getting the CBG here in Williamstown and it
>infuriates me that they actually notice Disney comics only when I'm
>not in range of a comic shop!!  ;-)

I won't really have a chance to type them in until tomorrow or
sometime this weekend (when I'm awake :-) ).  They may be a tad long
and I know that there are some people on this list who object to large
digests.  I suspect that I will incur less wrath if I just email copies
to people who request them rather then send out copies to the entire
disney-comics list.  Does anyone have a preference?

>        Isn't that Beccattini?  Or Becattini?  Or Beccatini?  (I've
>seen all three of those spellings, but never with two "n"s.)
>Surprising that the CBG misspelled his name.

The mis-spelling may very well have been me again.  I'll check it
when I type in the article.

And since you asked, here is the letter from DD 282:
(typos are mine...) 
[This is the entire letter as printed - looks to me like it may have
been pared down a tad]

	You mention plans to print "...what still exists of the Silly
Symphony features..." Are all proofs to some of the strips
irretrievably lost?
	Also, you mention printing *everything* that still exists.  If
Disney will now permit you to use the 1938 Donald-among-the-Indians
sequence, why not issue the strips in softbound books as you once
planned?  I'd buy them.

		David Gerstein
		Hanover, NH

[Gladstone's reply:]

	There are proofs that appear to be beyond recovery, though
some could be recreated using material from various sources.  As for
the specific strips you mention, they will not be among those we
reprint.  Disney maintains that they are inappropriate for publication
today, and that's their call.  We might have more accurately stated
that we will reprint everything that exists and is *available*.


A while back, I sent Gladstone a couple of letters myself, one asking
when they were going to reprint Don Rosa's "Guardians of the Lost
Library" and another asking about "War of the Wendigo."

(Today I bought Donald Duck #41 from sometime around 1955, I think.
What a disappointment after reading those WDC&S from the 40's!  There
were two Donald stories, both atrocious.  I have no idea who did

     "I am Scrooge McDuck of the clan McDuck.  There can be only one!"
--   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   --
mark a. semich                                               mas at csa.bu.edu

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