Barks Grand Tour...?

Mattias Hallin Mattias.Hallin at
Fri Oct 22 14:59:00 CET 1993

Hello, everybody - and perhaps in particular Don!?!

I have a rather serious question. Over here we are hearing more definite and
stable rumours, well past the idle gossip stage, that Barks is coming to Europe
next spring/early summer. Anyone know anything more about that? And does any of
you know WHAT KIND of tour might be planned? I gathered from Don's reply to
digest 130-something that Barks is/might seem to be going after the proverbial
buck. Izzat so? and is a Grand Tour part of such schemes? 

I'm not asking this out of idle curiosity, but (well, not OFFICIALLY but at
least half so) also in my capacity as a NAFS(k) boardmember. I mean - if Barks
goes to (f'rinstance) Sweden, we need to know as much as possible about it!

Anyone of you that knows ANYTHING - fact, fiction or gossip: please fill me in!
but make a note, also, on the realtivve veracity of your statements!!!

Thanks a lot, fellers!

Mattias Hallin

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