Misc. digest stuff

Mark Semich mas at cs.bu.edu
Tue Oct 26 04:22:28 CET 1993

David A Gerstein <David.A.Gerstein at williams.edu> wrote a while back:
>	Mark also referred to
>	"...reading the Al Taliaferro strips currently running in 
>WDC&S (where Donald is referred to by the adult Mickey and Clarabelle 
>as a "bad boy")..."
>	Mark, don't you mean in DD, not WDC&S?

Yup, my mistake.

>Also:  I have seen
>Taliaferro "Silly Symphony" DD strips with Clarabelle and Mickey's
>nephews in Donald Duck Large Feature Comic #?? from 1941, which I once
>borrowed in xerox form from a collector I knew.  Has Gladstone got
>into reprinting those now?  I haven't seen DD 282 yet.

Well, the strips are dated 1937, but they are as you describe (with
Clarabelle urging reform and the appearance of Mickey's nephews)  So
I'd guess that they are the same ones...

>	And Mark... do I take it that *MICKEY* appears in some of
>those Taliaferro DD strips, presumably in DD 282?  I'm excited to see
>DD strips in which Mickey appears!  This is what was implied by your

Oops!  I seem to be a well-spring of misinformation!  Mickey doesn't
actually appear, just Clarabelle and Mick's nephews, as noted above.
My intention was to point out that Donald was peers with Morty and
Ferdie, but "boy" to Clarabelle and others of Mickey's generation.
Sorry about that...

Fredrik Ekman <d91fe at hkr01.ide.hk-r.se> wrote:
>And Mark Semich:
>>I just read William Van Horn's "Spotless Don" in WDC&S 588.
>>Although I love the duck stories, I must confess that I'm not
>>extremely well read in them.  Has Donald ever been referred to as
>>"Don" in any published stories before?  It certainly struck me as

Well, to answer my own question :-)  the earliest reference that I've
found to Don as "Don" is in WDC&S 62, but as someone else already
noted, there are probably many earlier ones.

Don Rosa commented on my article about John Lustig's letter in CBG:
>        No, no, to sign contracts then to break your word on the sly
>is NOT the way to make progress with the Disney system. While some of
>us are trying to work in the open to change the system, having one
>person who does not help that cause in the least ALSO be cheating on
>it in a reckless fashion is a selfish and greedy activity, not brave.

You are, of course, entirely correct, and I apologize for my words of

I was looking through the "creators" file on lysator, and noticed that
there was an entry (JKi) for Jack Kirby, but I looked through all the
crone indices, the gladstone index, and the disney index and couldn't
find JKi.  Did Jack Kirby actually do any Disney stories?

I finally got my paws on some Jippes stories.  The first one that I
read (in WDC&S 513) where HD&L plan to buy cigars for Donald's
birthday (but Donald thinks that they are buying them for themselves)
gave me an extreme sense of deja-vu, and I could swear that I'd
already seen the same plot in an old Donald Duck cartoon.  Does anyone
else remember this?

And the one in WDC&S 514 (with the ever-escalating pile of trash that
the police trace to Donald) reminded me of "Alice's Restaurant"...

(Please pardon my ignorance, but just when is Donald's 60th?  1994?
 Which issue of DD is going to be the *big* one?)

-- Mark Semich, mas at csa.bu.edu

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