+Postage Due+Disney-comics digest #90.
Don Rosa
72260.2635 at CompuServe.COM
Thu Sep 2 06:05:24 CEST 1993
MARK SEMICH is asking why Gladstone is not using my stories.
Harry had it right -- ALL my unreprinted Euro stories are in my "Life
and Times of $crooge McDuck" series; Gladstone wants to print them
straight through, one in each issue of UNCLE $CROOGE, and they wanted to
make sure the stories would have been used in Europe (which must happen
before anyone else can get them) so that Gladstone wouldn't have to skip
an issue down the line. But part one is scheduled for the $CROOGE issue
out in December, now that I am now working on the final chapter.
During these two, long years of this "Life" series, there will
be 4 other stories available for reprinting. In other words, right now
there are fifteen fully-completed 15-30 page stories (by me) waiting for
reprinting, not including the part 12 I'm working on right now. Exactly
what they are is sorta covered in my note below.
I finally looked through the "Rosa Index" that's in the Library
on this service. I can make only teeny-tiny comments, but I'll go ahead
and do so since such has been requested:
"The Pied Piper of Duckburg" pages 1-3 were also PENCILLED by
Barks, not just written.
Somebody was pretty sharp to notice that there were some panels
"mirrored" in Disney's use of "Super Snooper Strikes Again". I almost
didn't notice it myself. I still don't know why they did it.
Part 3 of the "Life" series, "The King of the Copper Hill", will
be titled differently when Gladstone uses it; perhaps "The Flash in the
Copper Pan" or "The Raider of the Copper Hill".
How did someone know the original title of part 6? (I probably
mentioned it, eh?) We might use that for Gladstone. Which sounds better?
The stories waiting to be used (even in Europe) are "The
Guardians of the Lost Library", 28 pages, which will be used in Europe
this very month. Last I heard, I'm to make another tour through
Scandanavia to help promote it as it ties in with a national "Year of
the Book" in Norway (and Finland?). Also there is the 15 page "Of Ducks
and Dimes and Destinies" which I did over 2 years ago, but which is
being delayed since it covers much the same ground as the first chapter
of the "Life" series; they should be able to use that soon, I'd think.
Those two stories are two of my favorites (and I usually don't like my
stories). Also there is "From Duckburg to Lillehammer", a 12 page "gag"
story to coincide with the Norway winter Olympics; no big deal... some
good slapstick, s'all. And then there's that "The War of the Wendigo",
unused in America due to Disney's fear of using stories involving Native
Americans; Gladstone has recently told me that there is not really an
"official ban" on the use of that story... they just want to wait a
while before they run it by the Disney folks again, and maybe the
pea-brained bureaucrat who nixed it before won't be paying attention or
will be working for Hanna Barbera or dead or who noze.
In the COVER section: I see two listings for covers for "The
Money Pit". Does someone think there were two different versions? No,
the first time Disney used it they mucked about with it a bit, but when
it was used in that $9 album they printed it the way I drew it.
Now, there WERE two different covers for "The Son of the Sun",
but the FIRST one I drew was the one they used on the reprint album and
in overseas reprints. The one on UNCLE $CROOGE #219 was the SECOND one I
drew -- we'd decided to omit the background figures. So, I don't know
which cover you'll want to label I or II.
The covers for the WALT DISNEY'S COMICS IN COLOR series? #2 was
Donald drawing Mickey drawing $crooge drawing Donald, etc.
#3 were the nephews "dressed" as DD & U$ & MM -- a really sick
cover that was Disney's idea, say no more.
#4 was DD and U$ and a Beagle Boy eyeing each other.
#5 was DD, U$ and MM as "the Spirit of '76". Don't ask why.
#6 was just a stupid looking pose with DD & MM.
#7 was a dandy one showing all the Ducks marching off on some
adventure and all sorts of trains and boats and planes in the
background against a world map.
The unpublished cover to #8 may still be used on a DONALD AND
MICKEY issue someday.
A question: my money-bin cover for the recent U$ #281 is listed
as "the rainbow factor". What's that mean???
Stuff for foreign fanzines: I did the poster for the 1992
"Donaldist Kongress" in Germany -- they also used it in DER DONALDIST.
It's very embarrassing in that I drew Gladstone Gander's EYES wrong,
something I can't explain!!!
I've done other illustrations of the Ducks for fanzines over the
past 20+ years... it would take me a long time to try to figure out
where and when. But they were all done before I was "legit".
That's all I noticed. If there was something omitted completely
from the list, I wouldn't have noticed since I don't have all my work
memorized -- I always need to refer to nice people's "Rosa Indexes" to
see what I've been doing,
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