Van Horn revisions

David A Gerstein David.A.Gerstein at
Thu Sep 30 23:33:26 CET 1993

	Dear Folks,

	I don't have my issues with me now, but I can offer a bit of
help with that Van Horn list nonetheless.  Here's a whole section of
it complete with many additions.
	It seems that the K-codes for "Kid Stuff" and "The
Not-So-Silent Service" were switched when they were printed in Europe,
either that or Disney blew it in their *own* comics (which actually
seems more likely).
	I may have made a mistake when installing that information
however... so please note, "Kid Stuff" is the one that was listed as
"A child's game" and "Service" was listed as the one about water and
treasure, I forget what it was called.
	During the course of my revisions I bungled what issues the
stories for DDAD 7 and 8 appeared in in Scandinavia.  Those are
*both* Halloween stories, the second being a direct sequel to the
	I have installed information about several issues that you
didn't list at all, those being WDC&S 545 and 574, and DDAD 27.
	The cover that Gladstone's back-issue page credits now to Van
Horn for WDC&S 584 is actually by Jim Franzen and Bruce Patterson.

	I got most of the code information from my own Disney Comics
Code Index.  I never dreamed you guys would want something that
specific, but if you do, tell me and you can have it (I'll take
vanilla!).  Note:  KU 30-90 is a code for both cover *and* story to
"No Room for Human Error".

Code     USA          NL     Scan       Title [+ remarks]
KD 02-90 DDAD  2      X91-01 K93-39     12  DD Rootin' Tootin' Duck 
                                            [script JLu]
KD 22-90 DDAD  3      X92-06            12  DD Beachhead Bathos
KD 07-90 DDAD  4             K92-41     12  DD The Bees Have It
KD 08-90 DDAD  5      X91-12 M92-11,12  12  DD Snore Losers
KD 09-90 DDAD  6      X91-08            14  DD It's Bats, Man! [script JLu]
KD 28-90 DDAD  7      X93-02?           12  DD It's In the Bag! (Halloween)
KD 35-90 DDAD  8      X93-02?           12  DD Public Ugly #1 (Halloween)
KD 21-90 DDAD 10      X92-03            12  DD Run-Down Runner
KD 36-90 DDAD 13      X92-04 K92-45     12  DD Just a Humble, Bumbling Duck!
KJD005-1 DDAD 15      X92-10            12  DD A Tuft Luck Tale
KJD003-1 DDAD 16      X92-07            12  DD Kid Stuff
KD5590-1 DDAD 18      X92-11            14  DD That Ol' Soft Soap [script MGi]
KJD004-1 DDAD 19      X92-05            19  DD The Not-So-Silent Service
KJD002-1 DDAD 20      X92-12            12  DD The Ghost of Kamikaze Ridge
KJD006-1 DDAD 27                         2  DD Nap in Nature
KJD007-1 WDC 574                         2  DD Magic Trick
KU 05-90 US 243       X92-01 K93-36     14  US Pie in the Sky [script BR]
KU 30-90 US 252       WB.92             26  US No Room for Human Error
KJS001-1 WDC 561                         2  LBW Blow Me Down!
D 91341  WDC 588             K93-30     10  DD Spotless Don
D 91378  WDC 587             K93-23     10  DD Out of Harmony's Way
D 91379  DDAD 38             K93-10     10  DD A Small Matter
D 92144  DDAD 37             K93-08     10  DD in Balms Away
D 92145                      M93-07,08  10  DD ?? (Promising sleeping)
D 92172                      K93-16     10  DD ?? (Lot of happiness)
D 92205                      K93-19,20  10  DD Magica's Missin' Magic
                                               [rejected by Disney; was
                                               to have been in DDAD #16
                                               and was so advertised]
D 92207  DDA 24              M93-09,10  21  DD The Black Moon


Code     USA          NL     Scan       Title [+ remarks]
         DDA 15                         The Mad Chemist
         DDA 17                         Curse of the Lost Empress
         DDAD 2                         Rootin' Tootin' Duck
         DDAD 4                         The Bees Have It!
KD 37-90 DDAD 6                         It's Bats, Man!
KD 39-90 DDAD 7                         It's in the Bag!
KD 40-90 DDAD 8                         Public Ugly #1
KD 58-90 DDAD 10                        Run-down Runner
KD 43-90 DDAD 13                        Just a Humble, Bumbling Duck
KJD011-1 DDAD 15                        A Tuft Luck Tale
KJD022-1 DDAD 18                        That Ol' Soft Soap!
KJD025-1 DDAD 19                        The Not-So-Silent Service
JD 033-1 DDAD 20                        The Ghost of Kamikaze Ridge
KJD121-1 DDAD 38                        A Small Matter [Layout BF]
         DM 19                          Donald sculpting Mickey
KU 05-90 US 243                         Pie In The Sky
KU 31-90 US 250                         Money bin as swimming pool
KU 30-90 US 252                         No Room for Human Error
KJU066-1 US 270                         Ten-Cent Marathon
	 WDC 545			HDL have the bigger sandwich
         WDC 547                        DD gets snow on his head
KS ...   WDC 551                        The Hard Loser
KS 56-90 WDC 558                        Donald's Fix-It Shop
KS 71-90 WDC 559                        Don't Bug Me!
KS 70-90 WDC 560                        The April Foolers
KS 81-90 WDC 561                        Flipsim! !msipilF
KJS031-1 WDC 565                        Truant Officer
KJS034-1 WDC 566                        Will O' the Wisp
KJS036-1 WDC 567                        Turkey Trouble
KJS042-1 WDC 568                        Submarine Santa
KJS057-1 WDC 570                        Postman Duck [Inker JuM]
KJS139-1 WDC 585                        Gladstone's Secret
         WDC 586                        Gull on DD's straw hat
         WDC 587                        Out of Harmony's Way


	You see that Van Horn sold stories completely out of order to
Disney... also far in advance of when they would be printed.  When
"Magica's Missin' Magic" was rejected (Disney had reached their annual
budget on buying new stories for DDAD) and "Kid Stuff" was substituted
in DDAD 16, no one notified the advertising department, and the
"Between the Lines" page for that month actually lists the unprinted
	"Magica's Missin' Magic" was reworked from 6-panel pages to
8-panel ones, has recently appeared in Europe as you noted, and should
show up here sooner or later, I guess.

	I've included the publication numbers for two stories --
"Spotless Don" and "The Black Moon" (that's the U. S. title) -- which
I knew them for, despite the fact that the second one won't be
published for 2 months.

	That's all for now.  *Phew* what a lot of work!  I never
dreamed this would be such a *big* project when I started it an hour

	Your friend,

	David Gerstein

	"Phooey on Sir Quincy Quack!  Double phooey!  And yuck!"
	<David.A.Gerstein at>

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