The Marvel Connection adair_t at
Sat Apr 2 01:38:57 CEST 1994

	For those of you who have subscribed since Gladstone resumed publicationof Disney comics:

	Gladstone sells comicbooks to the direct market.  Marvel distributes 
Gladstone's products to newstands.  The only difference that I can recall is
that the logo is changed on the cover, and maybe a UPC box is added.  
	They appear to be the same inside.

	I have yet to see any newsstands in New Zealand selling Disney comics.
This is very surprising, as the newstands generally have a better selection of
comicbooks than their American counterparts.  If Marvel does have newstand
distribution rights for Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the U.S.  (the same
market as Gladstone?), then they should exploit it.  BTW, I get my Gladstones 
via a comicbook store, which gets them via the direct market.
	I am glad Marvel is distributing Disney comics, as Marvel has the talentand experience to successfully sell comics via the newsstand.

(One more note for new subscribers.  Disney Comics refers to comicbooks
published by Disney (sometimes referred to as "The Dark Ages"), whereas Disney
comics (small "c") refers to all comicbooks published for Disney.)

	Marvel also seems to be publishing the Disney movie adaptations, as seenby the recent "Three Musketeers" comicbook.

	Would someone who is more knowledeable please give more information?

Torsten Adair	Adair_T at	Wellington, New Zealand

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