Grand Comics Index
adair_t at
Sun Apr 3 04:07:18 CEST 1994
I found this is rec.arts.comics.misc, and given the high amount of indexing
done in this list, I thought it might be of interest.
Torsten Adair adair_t at Wellington, New Zealand
Newsgroups: rec.arts.comics.misc
From: stroup at
Subject: Grand Comics Database
Message-ID: <1994Mar31.155503.1 at>
Lines: 36
Sender: news at (News Administrator)
Organization: Lockheed Palo Alto Research Labs
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 94 23:55:15 GMT
With the emergence of a strong electronic comic book fandom,
the Bay Area Comicbook Klub and APA-Index have joined
forces to create the ultimate comic book database. It will
contain information on every comic book ever published. The
database includes fields for writer, artist, inker, letterer,
colorist, editor, cover artist and more! And best of all, we are
going to give it to comic book fandom. It will be available
online, on disk, and by ftp for just the cost of mailing or
access time.
Obviously this is a major project. So, WE NEED YOUR HELP.
Anyone who already has indexed books in electronic form,
we'd love to have your data. Everyone else, we'd like a little
of your time. Contact us and you can index any books that
aren't already done.
For having just started this project in March, we are doing
well. With only 7 volunteers so far, we have over 100 titles
and 2,000 issues already indexed. But we have a long way to
go. We estimate that there are already over 100,000 different
comics to put into the database, with more being published
each week. So if you can give us some support, send me a SASE
or e-mail me at the following address for more details.
Come and join in the Grand Adventure!
The Grand Comics Database
Tim Stroup
130 Baroni Ave. #16
San Jose, CA 95136
stroup at
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