Ole in Denmark, Don in Germany

Harry Fluks H.W.Fluks at research.ptt.nl
Wed Apr 6 14:55:38 CEST 1994

Don Rosa wrote:
> 	Anyone here from Denmark? 

Yeah, where is Ole "RoC" Reichstein Nielsen? I haven't seen a message 
from him in a long time, and I'm curious about his remarks on the format
of the Disney comics Database I'm working on. Ole, where are you?

> 	Of course, I'm still to be in Frankfurt and Erlangen this May 30
> to June 6.

So not in Nuremberg? That's even better, because Frankfurt is closer to

> 	Frankly, I'm having a hard time figuring out how to deal with
> these nice invitations to come over to Europe and promote Disney comics.

I always thought you would LIKE to go on a trip to Europe, which is fully
paid by the editor, I assume. But maybe it gets boring after the 5th time?
Do you really have to work hard in Europe, autographing things etc.?

If you want to go somewhere where there are less fans and hence less 
autographing work, try Holland. The chance you run into someone who
even knows your name is about 1 to 15 million... 8-)


Harry         PTT Research       ()_()     Dutch Disney comics freak
Fluks         Leidschendam        (_)      H.W.Fluks at research.ptt.nl

              "Yeah... I've _heard_ of coral barques!"

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