Ducks, mice and other critters...

Tryg Helseth trygve at
Mon Apr 11 02:56:55 CEST 1994

James Williams wrote:

>For all their faults, this is one place where Disney Comics were 
>better than Gladstone.  Disney had some wonderful material in
>WDC&S.  I really dislike WDC&S being nothing but ducks and mice.

Now that you mention it, that is one thing I miss in Gladstone comics.  I 
suppose they decided to go with what the think will sell the best, but it 
would be nice to see some of the other characters that have graced the 
pages of WDC&S over the years.  Lil Bad Wolf, Lil Hiawatha, Chip 'n' Dale, 
and Scamp come to mind.  Another character I'd like to see is Bucky Bug, 
though I'm not so sure if I like the character as much as I like the 
idea--a world unknown to us that exists right under our feet.  For the same 
reason I was fascinated by Warner Bros. Mary Jane and Sniffles as well as 
Walt Scot's Little People.  I'm not so sure, though, that today's kids 
would be so impressed.

Tryg Helseth  <trygve at>   Minneapolis, MN, USA
          or  <tryg.helseth at>

"I wish they all could be Calisota Ducks!" -The Beach Drakes

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