
Alex Agostini alex at
Thu Apr 14 18:32:24 CEST 1994

I have a question (and if the answer is in the archives, don't just tell me
to look, there, tell me exactly where to look).

We all know that there are stories created in Europe about Disney characters
that are never seen in the U.S.  Does Disney have any control over this?  I
would have to say so, based on all the lawyer reports that I have read about
when ever someone tries to use Disney Characters without permision.  If Disney
allows this to happen, why are does stories not published here in the states?

Alex Agostini			E-Mail:Alex_Agostini at
3 Paragon Drive MDS-200		Phone: (201) 358-4331
Montvale, N.J.  07645		Fax:   (201) 358-4977

Troi to Worf: "Deal with it!" from "Genesis".

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