Disney-comics digest #300.

Don Rosa 72260.2635 at CompuServe.COM
Fri Apr 15 07:01:57 CEST 1994

	This is the only country where the weekly is named after the
wrong character. Those Germans -- always being contrary!
	I'm usually in pretty close contact with the German translation
editor. I see the #2000 has (part 2?) of my "Return to Xanadu" under the
title "(something) to Trala La". So, the surprise of Xanadu being Trala
La is merely given away in the TITLE of the story? What did they use for
a title to "Citizen Kane" in Germany? "The Man with the Sled Named

	As violently opposed to this idea of demeaning Donald Duck with
American-super-herodom, I see these in the digests (of Italian stuff)
they send me from Scandanavia and these stories are apparently not as
bad as one might fear. Donald doesn't actually have super-powers, but
he has all sorts of gadgets made for him by Gyro. Still, it makes me
wanna cry...

	What control does Disney have over the (huge volume of) Disney
stories being produced overseas? Practically none. For instance, Egmont
produces about 4000-5000 pages of stuff each year, and Disney never sees
any of it until they get their subscription copies in the mail (which
you KNOW they sit around and read -- like, sure). In other words, Egmont
is allowed to operate as if they own the characters, and why not... they
DO own the characters as far as I'm concerned. Dell created and
developed them... now Egmont has taken them up. Disney should hafta pay
a royalty to even use them.

	You're referring to the series of monthly books which are
reprinting the DONALD DUCK newspaper strips starting with the first'n
and doing about one year each month, or each 3 months. I have copies of
the Norwegian editions. No, we've never had anything like that in
America. Gladstone has been reprinting them barely a month-worth per
every bimonthly issue of DONALD DUCK comics (meaning they lose ground
with every issue -- they'll never catch up!), and skipping some banned
episodes... so it's really not the same thing.

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