Disney-comics digest #312.

Mikko Henri Juhani Aittola maittola at snakemail.hut.fi
Thu Apr 28 13:56:04 CEST 1994

David wrote:
> Why did only one person enter the poll I posted about two
> weeks ago?  I can post it again if anyone wants...

      The reason I didn't enter the poll is simple. I don't know
      what to answer your questions. I buy Gladstone's comics
      quite randomly. I get a book if it has story by William Van
      Horn or Don Rosa - if I don't have a Finnish version already.
      I also decided to buy the Lo$ series. 
        I usually skip the Bark's stories because I don't know if
      I have 'em already. Maybe I should buy one of those books
      that contains all info where and when was the stories published.
      I am also planning to buy Carl Bark's library or CBL in color,
      but I just can't afford it. I hope someday I can...

Don wrote:
> 	As to how much attention the editors pay to what they do in
> Europe, sometimes I'm afraid they aren't trying very hard. Of course, I
> can't READ the issues I receive from Denmark or Norway, but I can see
> the COLORING (which is the same in all Egmont countries). And I can see
> something wrong in many spots...

      I just thought if it is ok to forward your comments to our
      publisher...let me know.

Mattias wrote:
>       At my local dealer's, I pay 12,50 Swedish kronor per US dollar, at a time
> when the official rate of exchange is something like 7,75 kronor per dollar;

      Damn! I have to use a calculator to find out what the hell you pay 
      for those comics.... :)


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