Disney-comics digest #312.

Sigurdur Hrafn Gislason shg at rhi.hi.is
Thu Apr 28 18:15:04 CEST 1994

Concerning european prices.

Here in Iceland we have to pay approx. 4 us$ per issue.
By subscribing I can get it down to 3.5 or something like that.

What artist?
Who was the artist who did the motorcar story 2 issues ago? Something
about Donald renting a bigger car to impress Daisy. Was it 
the same one who did the "Donald as a Pizza delivery man" story?
Kinda weird, that rubbery style he uses. 

I kinda feel silly asking you this but could you ...please
send me a autographed issue of Lo$1 or 2
I would like one to show my duck oriented friends (and brag a little).
I will send you my address if you agree, not wanting to appear presumptious.

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