help gettin' LO$
Elon V. Brisola
elon at VNET.IBM.COM
Fri Apr 29 10:09:42 CEST 1994
I went to Sao Paulo last weekend (I'm in Brazil) to see if I could get
some Gladstones. Lots of American "super-hero" comics there, but very
few Gladstones or import Disney comics at all!
So ...
I'd like to get LO$. My best bet is to subscribe to the US publication.
Can some kind soul tell me Gladstone's address, and which title should I
subscribe to in order to get LO$??
I would probably wait forever to see it published here...
On an aside, there was a thread on duck heroes a while ago (Paperinik).
Has anybody seen stories in which Fethry Duck is a superhero (Batman-like,
but Fethry-style, if you know what I mean)? The name was "Morcego Vermelho"
in Brazil. I wonder if it could be a Brazil-only creation.
Though this one was not bad, I'm sorry to say that Brazilian made stories
are not good in my opinion. There was a series of stories (also published
in Denmark, I guess) in which the Disney characters formed a "space patrol"!
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