Scrooge's Artifacts

Tryg Helseth trygve at
Sat Dec 3 03:10:15 CET 1994


I've been trying to think of various artifacts from $crooges adventures and 
have come up with these:

1. Mosquito Blanket (from Back to the Klondike)

2. Crate of horseradish from the Golden Goose.

3. Giant flattened out quarter (from Lost Atlantis)

4. A large container of bottle caps (from Tra La La)

5. From the City of Golden Roofs, the solid gold ingot that
   formed inside a rain barrel.

6. A sample bottle labeled "Caution: Oxide of Strombolium," or
   a peace pipe cotaining the substance, from The Land of the Pigmy
   Indians (or was that "Blue Wood Spirits?")

7. The Minotaur statue from The Fabulous Philosopher's Stone.

8. Samples of neckware sported by the Terryfermians.

9. Ball of Twine from The Second Richest Duck.

10. Tanzayeekan Yeeker from the Unsafe Safe.  ($crooge should have stuck
    with Oso!)

11. The diamond-like moon stone used to crack $crooges forbidium safe.
    (It could even have the forbidium drill bit still imbedded in it.)

Well that's it for now... $scooges treasure trove is going to be busting 
at the seams pretty soon.


Tryg Helseth  <trygve at>   Minneapolis, MN, USA
          or  <tryg.helseth at>

"I wish they all could be Calisota Ducks!"  -the Beach Drakes

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