Carl Barks about Don Rosa...

Bror Hellman hellman at
Wed Dec 21 05:10:05 CET 1994

You might've read this allready, in that case I'll apologize for taking 

I recently found a Press-release at the NAFS(k) office in Stockholm. It 
was together with copies from a Disney publication called (C)opywrite 
which focuses on certain customers in Europe and Turkey. I don't know 
which customers exactly, but I guess it's either press or licensees.

The Xerox was of an excellent article about Carl Barks, photos of his 
european tour (if anyone wants to read it, you could propably contact the 
NAFS(k)) and photos of Barks as a young man.  Maybe Don recognizes that 

Anyroad, here's the attached press-information.  You've got to imagine 
the stationary and Carl Barks autograph... :-)

			  Carl Barks Studio
		 Bill Grandey & Kathy Morby, Managers

July 25, 1994


This is to clear up possible confusion in the German media. I stated
that I don't like my work rewritten or see a reason for it. This
includes sequels and the recent history of Scrooge. This does not
imply that I feel that Don Rosas' version of my characters should not
be printed. On the contrary, if they sell, more should be printed.
The point I made was that I don't care for that "style". As stated, I
prefer works of artists such as Daan Jippes and William Van Horn who
have a look and style on model, on character and in the Disney
tradition. Although Rosas' work is not my personal preference, I
defen the right for it to be printed.

(Carl Barks)
Carl Barks

NOTE: This press information is to clear up an inaccuracy with a
journalist. He felt that Carl barks had said, besides having a static
underground look, Rosas' work should not be printed. This was wishful
thinking on the part of the journalist.

P.O. Box 524, Grants Pass, OR 97526 * (503) 476-7558 * Fax (503) 476-7064

Steamboat Willie                  Data: +46 (0)8 626 84 09  (V34)
hellman at                    

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