American breakfasts

Thu Feb 3 15:29:21 CET 1994

"Tryg Helseth", 2/1/94:

>Don Rosa's All American Breakfast.

>Don is right in his description of the standard breakfast fare we United 
>Statians have to endure, but he failed to mention that they do generally 
>include all of the four basic food groups: Sugar, Salt, Grease, and Ketchup.

Heh!  But lest our non-US readers think that's what _all_ Americans eat for 
breakfast (ham, eggs, hash browns, etc.), I'd like to point out that I for 
one have the "well-balanced breakfast" as seen in the cereal ads: 
pre-sweetened cereal (generically called "Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs" for 
you Calvin & Hobbes fans :^)), toast, and juice.  I put milk on the cereal, 
but don't have a separate glass as shown in the commericals - I may risk 
osteoporosis, but at least I don't have to worry about kidney stones...

>Female funny-book fans.

>Once a woman sitting next to me made such a comment; and she was reading 
>some brain-damaged romance novel...  She got rather indignant when I 
>suggested that her novel wasn't any higher class than my comic book.  (In 
>a sense, I think those romance novels are to women what comics are to me.) 

Heh, again!  I'll have to remember that one :^)  Not that I'll ever be in a 
position to use it...

And I see that Mattias Hallin beat me to the punch about asking how 
CompuServe (derogatorily abbreviated CI$ :^)) charges - if it _is_ by the 
byte, then why can't this non-comic stuff go to e-mail?  Not that I mind 
reading it, but others might.  (And yes, I probably have no right to comment 
since my breakfast post above is non-comic too... :^))

Here's a comic comment:  I don't have the reference handy (I think it was 
in a recent Comics and Stories), but I'm not sure what I think of the Goofy 
King Midas story - the art was good, and some of the background gags were 
funny, but the story itself (such as it was - who _cares_ about some old 
cow?) didn't do much for me - I think I liked the old "Goofy looks at 
history" versions better...  I believe I saw something either in the mailing 
list, or in the comic itself that more of these were in the works - it'll be
interesting to see what they look like.


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