Disney-comics digest #236.

Don Rosa 72260.2635 at CompuServe.COM
Wed Feb 9 05:01:33 CET 1994

	I still say all Ducks should, and always have had white hair.
Gladstone is a goose. (Actually, a goose/duck, according to my Family
Tree and the fact that he is a cousin of Donald.)

	Gladstone actually used my Olympics story before any other
publisher in the world -- this will very likely be the only time this
will happen. Egmont gave Gladstone permission to use that story first
which is normally against their policy so that the story could appear
before the Olympics; Egmont's Duck comics are weekly, EIGHT to NINE
TIMES more frequent than poor ol' Gladstone's.
	Gladstone wanted me to do a cover for their use, but I passed
for 3 reasons: I preferred doing the cover to "The Money Well" issue of
U$A, I didn't want to spoil the string of Talliaferro covers, and
(mainly) I didn't like that story that much and didn't want to draw much
attention to it as being the first of my stories to be used in a year or
more. Later, NORWAY requested I do a special cover, they being the
country that requested that story in the first place, and I have trouble
refusing to do something for the Norwegian editor who has been so very
nice to me. John Clark has also been nice to me, of course, but, well,
it's different...

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