Disney-comics digest #245.

Don Rosa 72260.2635 at CompuServe.COM
Fri Feb 18 05:06:54 CET 1994

	Thanks for the translation of the text that accompanied the
Norwegian use of that "Olympics" story. But I feel more embarrassed than
ever by that story, seeing how much attention it received, which I
should only have expected. 4 stars outta 6 is pretty fair -- more than
fair -- but, again, it's a bit disturbing to think that my work is being
rated on a lousy star system. That makes me rather self-concious about
what I'm doing, which could tend to take the fun out of it after another
30 or 40 years! Yes, it was a short story -- the Norwegian editor wanted
an "epic", but my editor thought that a short story would suffice, which
didn't bother me considering my interest in sports and my desire to get
back and finish the Lo$. I wonder why they seem to have gone out of
their way to bring up those old stories to make it look like I was
copying from them, especially when it was sheer coincidence; I'd never
seen the stories with the mechanical fish or the flag gathering. 
	And what was that about the reference to Barks' Norwegian story
-- "The Lemming with the Locket"??? I made no reference to that tale in
my story. Did they slip something into the translated dialogue???

	And I wish I could ask that reviewer what specifically was wrong
with the art. I always do the best I can in the art -- I wasn't aware
that that story looked worse than others... I wonder why he thought so.

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