DD 284? Anyone have news about it?

Mark Semich mas at cs.bu.edu
Fri Feb 25 06:13:22 CET 1994

David.A.Gerstein at williams.edu writes:
>....   The birds were
>specifically identified as not very bright, and thus they spoke in
>hipster lingo of the time, complete with "Daddy-O."  Isn't that just
>as dated as this?  (Or maybe this is the pot calling the kettle black
>-- I can see where you wouldn't like the Barks hip-talk either, Mark.)

Ah, but I *do* like the Barks hip-talk, *and* the "Daddy-O" lingo,
both very much so.  Part of the reason that I like your dialog work as
opposed to Blums current stuff is that I find yours to be more
reminiscent of Barks' classic, free-wheeling work.  Maybe the "NOT!"
stuff was too contemporary for me (even though "Not!" in that usage
has actually been polluting our language for centuries...)
It struck me as forced and just plain not-funny.

>	NOW MOST IMPORTANTLY:  Has anyone got DD 284???  WHAT
>Taliaferro material is in this comic?  I know that the DD "Silly
>Symphony" Sunday strip ended in Dec. 1937, and we were at the
>beginning of December 1937 at the end of DD 284.  There should only be
>a very few SS Sundays in DD 284.  What then?  Do we start with Jan. 
>1938 dailies, or do we jump ahead to 1939 when Donald got his own
>Sunday strip again?
>	I'm really looking forward to the dailies myself.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure of the year - the strips in 284 seem
to be dailies and are dated 2/7 through 3/16 with a couple of gaps.
The strip dated 2/23 is the only one to show one of Donald's nephews
(Louie judging by the color scheme.. :-)  )

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