Moby Duck HATHAWAY at
Mon Feb 28 17:05:41 CET 1994

>From: "Jon Cato Lorentzen" 26-FEB-1994 11:43:22.66

>About Moby Duck.
>He was in a lot of stories in the 70s, and (flame me) I liked many of them.
>But this is probably because I was just a kid then, and read my Disney
>comics to shreads, and I don't think I would have liked those stories as
>much if I had read them for the first time today.  
>Jon C. Lorentzen

  I've got some Moby Duck issues from that time - in his own title.  
I think they are in un-shreaded condition - indexed in boxes.  Strange 
how some issues would be considered valueless but if one were to try 
to find good copies of them, it would be near impossible.  The comic 
shows and conventions seem to have few if any Duck books and the stores 
have little selection on older ones like this.  But I'd probably only read 
a couple of them (Moby) myself nowadays.  Maybe when I retire??? 

W. Hathaway 

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