Name that tune... and its writer

Trygve J Helseth trygve at
Tue Jan 4 14:35:37 CET 1994

On Tue, 4 Jan 1994, Harry Fluks wrote:

> > Tryg Heseth  <tryve at>
> > 
> > "I wish they all could be Calisota Ducks!" -The Beach Drakes
> I think I still miss an 'l' and a 'g' somewhere...

Wak!  I must have really been off in the Twilight Zone when I entered that
signature!  The problem is compounded by the fact that I never see it as
Minuet automatically sticks it on the message when it is sent.  It
doesn't even show up in the sent-message folder... 

I'm not using Minuet right now, but my correct name and address should be
(as you pointed out):

Tryg Helseth <trygve at>

Maybe the Screaming Cowboy shook loose some of the letters from my
signature.  BTW, is the Screaming Cowboy still around, or did they
finally bury him thar with his ol' guiiar...  :)

 >  > --Harry. 

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