Disney-comics digest #214.

Don Rosa 72260.2635 at compuserve.com
Mon Jan 17 06:14:44 CET 1994

	The JWW emblem -- well, yes, at one time I'd sneak it into the
circle on the hats of the Woodchucks in spots where it isn't too
noticeable... but, of course, I "officially" leave it off since it's
just gibberish to any market but the tiny American one. I didn't even
try to sneak it into the corners of the "GotLL" story since a key part
of the story hinged on it and I think I just felt better leaving it out
entirely. I've added it to the art in the important spots for Gladstone,
and John says he might just be nice enough to stick it on all the other
hats and books. I HOPE he'll at least stick it on the hats and books on
the cover.

	And though you seem to know an extraordinary amount of stuff
about things Disney, you do sometimes ask questions I would think you
could see the obvious answer to: why doesn't Gladstone arrange to have
its comics placed at grocery store check out lines. Don't you realize
the HUGE amount of money that each publisher must pay for each space for
each magazine you see in that tiny area across the country??? I think
they literally need to BUY the racks or something, and pay rent for the
space in one trillion (some odd?) stores across North America. One
reason I suspected (and still suspect) that Disney is still publishing
its DIGEST is that it has SOOOOOO much money invested in that rack space
that it is treating the DIGEST as an advertisement of its TV shows and
continues to publish it at a loss and because they may well have a
contract to that shelf space that they can't get out of. And consider
the physical size of the DIGEST compared to Gladstone's 6 comics! I
wager there isn't a publisher in America that could afford to even place
TWO magazines in those check out lanes, much less six. So, you can save
time hoping for that possible marketing idea.

	No, I THANK you for that list of JWW emblem appearances! It's
one thing I've never kept notes of myself. I referred back to all your
cited appearances to make sure of something I already knew: my version
of the emblem is DIFFERENT from Barks'. I prefer to use a version where
the two "W"s are distinct and not merged with the "J"; I think Barks
made it thus in one painting somewhere, and I figured that gave me leave
to choose between the two styles. Or maybe he didn't -- anyway, I make
my "JWW" (or "WJW") emblem differently -- had you noticed?

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