control by Disney

Wilmer Rivers rivers at seismo.CSS.GOV
Wed Jan 19 00:09:53 CET 1994

Don Rosa writes:
> 	As for "revisionism", it's a fact of life if we intend to do
> anything with Disney comics as long as Disney is mixed up in it. I knew
> I was going to use Bombie the Zombie in my Lo$, and I knew Disney would
> never allow the original version, so I don't think it was a mistake to
> revise him to a supposedly acceptable form. Of course, I expect BIG
> trouble when we get to that chapter as I think Disney will now not allow
> even a revised Bombie. And then there's those death scenes of $crooge's
> parents! What fun lies ahead!
I don't understand how the licensing from Disney works.  Hasn't at
least that last-named episode, with the death of Scrooge's parents,
already been printed in Europe?  So why can't it be printed in the
USA in the same form?  Does Disney hold Gladstone to a tighter
standard than they do publishers in the rest of the world?

Wilmer Rivers

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