Disney-comics digest #226.

James Williams James_Williams at ESS.NIAID.pc.niaid.nih.gov
Mon Jan 31 16:20:59 CET 1994

>Most comic fans are male, also most members of the german organization
>D.O.N.A.L.D.  (the crazy organization who is devoted to explore the
>Duck Universe up to its smallest detail) are male (approx.  90 - 95 %). 
>Heaven knows why!?

>Nevertheless I know a girl who is nutty about Disney stuff (like
>clothes, films etc...), but: she admitted she didn't know the comics
>very well...  But if you really have a close look at the role women
>play in the disney comics, I think it's not surprising.  They
>unfortunately play the second part.

This is my main problem with disney comics.  They don't handle
their female characters well.  There is no reason that Daisy
or Minnie couldn't be featured more often.  I'd love to see 
'Thin Man' style stories with Mickey and Minnie solving mysteries

This is the same reason that The Little Mermaid is so propular in
America.  Ariel is unique.  There are too few good female role

James Williams

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