Crooks, Steve
scrooks at hsv23.pcmail.ingr.com
Wed Jul 6 16:14:00 CEST 1994
I was thinking about this yesterday and decided that I also agree that the
simple, less detailed covers are more eye appealing. On the other hand, I
vastly prefer your very detailed internal art to any of the other duck
artists, and all that extra effort certainly does pay off in my view. For
the covers, what about taking the point of view that it's a new challenge
for you to design the simple but striking ones that seem to be more eye
catching? From what I've seen you write in this group, you seem to be the
type of person who likes to push himself to be better each time he does
something. Why not challenge yourself to design a cover that has a simple
and perfect composition, and that you can sit back when you're finished and
be proud of--even though it lacks the Rosa detail? I kind of doubt any of
your fans would pooh-pooh an effort like that!
Using my nearly useless memory, I can remember one cover of yours that I
particularly liked. It's the one with the Viking or Neanderthal or whatever
it was--basically a *big* person of some type--(I told you my memory was
bad) whose head was obscured by the cover logo. I really liked that effect,
but I remember others here didn't. I'm sure I could find other covers of
yours that I liked if I looked back through my collection, but that one in
particular I remember liking.
--Steve Crooks scrooks at ingr.com 74101.3471 at compuserve.com
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