New E-Zine for Cartoons
Sun Jul 24 08:21:46 CEST 1994
My name is Troy Larsen. I'm the founder of a company called Endless
Horizons. My goal for this venture is to publish a monthly, electronic
magazine called EToonzx. It will be dedicated soley to cartoons, any kind of
cartoons, be they humorous, action, editorial or just "out there." It will
be a forum for cartoonists to display their talent and experiment with new
ideas. The end product will give people who take their funnies seriously
something that is a step beyond the Sunday paper.
1) EToonz will be a stand alone document with easy navigation for Windows
and Mac users. It will be distributed through BBS's and anonymous ftp sites
as shareware, but will also be made available at reduced rates as a
2) At this time I would like to try a limit of about10 frames per cartoon,
per issue depending on the detail and size of the panels. For instance, if
the strip is a continuing story, then I'll put about 10 frames of the story
in each issue of the mag. I will work with page layout to obtain the best
compromise between visual appeal and conservation of space. The prevailing
guideline is to keep a balance of content so that not any one work dominates
the publication. (This may be a good spot to mention that I am prepared to
do spinoffs of comics that grow to the point of needing their own venue.)
3) As technology allows I will expand the limits of EToonz, even allowing
sounds and animation.
4) EToonz will be directed towards a broad readership. Towards that end the
content of the publication will be kept within PG to PG-13 boundaries.
4) Readers will be encouraged to respond with their comments about the
cartoons. These will then be forwarded to the cartoonists.
1) Cartoonists will be paid $35.00 for each piece that is accepted for
publication, $50.00 if the cartoon is in color. The amount will be paid in
full to the cartoonist within 30 days after the release of the issue of
EToonz in which the cartoon appears. I have also decided that, in addition
to the copy fee, a years subscription to EToonz will be awarded.
2) The compensation will give Endless Horizons the right to use the cartoon
in one issue of EToonzx. It will also give the paying reader of EToonz the
right to use the cartoon for their personal, private use. All other rights
will be retained by the cartoonist. In consideration of this, everyone is
encouraged to copyright their work prior to submission and to clearly mark it
as such.
3) The submitted copies will become the property of Endless Horizons unless
the copies are requested to be returned in writing and accompanied by a
self-addressed, stamped envelope. Let me make it clear that no copyrights
are given up by the cartoonist for simply submitting a copy of their original
4) Previously unpublished work is preferred. However, there is no objection
to reprints of work that has seen limited exposure, e.g. not nationally
syndicated. Remember, the intent is to bring people new, innovative
4) A cartoonist can submit as many items as they want, but I probably won't
use more than a couple pieces from any one cartoonist per issue. If I find
more cartoons than I can use in one issue, then I will make arrangements to
use them at another time.
5) At this time electronic drawings can be sent to me either using America
OnLine, site-to-site file transfer, or on floppy disk by regular mail. The
formatts I prefer are GIF, TIFF and JPEG. The limitations that I have set
for now are resolutions no greater than 640 x 480 at no more than an 8 bit
depth, or 256 colors, with RGB being the preferred color system. Anything
beyond these limits would probably be wasted on most computers, not to
mention rather large in size.
6) Hard copies will be accepted. I will take responsibility for scanning
them into electronic format.
7) When you submit a cartoon for publication, please include your name,
mailing address, daytime phone number, email address (if applicable) and any
other information you feel appropriate. Please also include a copy of this
letter with your dated signature at the bottom. This will serve to note that
you have read and understand the conditions as stated and will be valid
unless or until the stated conditions change.
Send submissions to:
(EToonz, Troy D. Larsen, etc. . . .)
c/o Endless Horizons
P.O. Box 701018
WVC, UT 84170-1018
Phone/Fax ( Please call before faxing ): USA-801-969-7993
InterNet email address: ehorizons at
America OnLine address: EHORIZONS
1) While each issue of EToonzx will be copyrighted as a publication, Endless
Horizons will not be able to persue copyright infringements when applied to
individual works within the publication. Such policing remains the right and
duty of the cartoonist.
2) You may also contact Endless Horizons via electronic mail on America
OnLine at address "EHORIZONS", or through the InterNet at address
"ehorizons at". Your input is always welcome.
3) The sooner you can submit your work the better. I have not set a hard
date for the first release of EToonz, although I would like it to be
September 1st. Right now I am concentrating on obtaining good material, even
if that means a delay in release.
4) I am holding two open contests. One is for a logo for Endless Horizons
and the other is for a logo/icon for EToonzx. Each winning entry will be
purchased for $300.00 (U.S dollars).
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope to hear from you soon.
--Troy D. Larsen
P.S. Please pass this letter along to anyone you feel may be interested.
Your Signature: ___________________________
Date of Signature: __________
Your Printed Name: ________________________
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