RE Digest #339
Mattias Hallin
Mattias.Hallin at
Thu Jun 2 16:22:37 CEST 1994
(when you do get this I hope you've had, to quote the old song,
the grandest time, and couldn't spend a dime, in Germany)
Yessiree, I'm still very much here, 'though a bit more on the QT these
days for reasons I explained a while back: my immediate superior, the
University head archivist, always knew about and never minded the time
I spent on the Internet -- he figgers his personnel are capable of
being responsible 'bout using work-time and -facilities for less than
productive purposes. Our division manager however, does not quite
share this view -- and this is of course her privilege; I'm NOT trying
to be snide, nor am I in any way mad about this -- so we've worked out
a kind of compromise, where I recieve the digests instead of the
continous postings, and then take these home to peruse and/or answer
on my own computer (which is not hooked up to the net -- I can't
afford that yet). In this way I minimize my use of work Internet
access for private purposes; but Alas! it also means I'm not as fast
on the reply as I used to be. BUT know Ye all by these presents that I
DO read each digest (a quick look-through when I empty my e-mailbox in
the morning, and more thoroughly once I bring it back home) so
anything you wanna say to me -- go ahead and say it! Also, an e-mail
straight to me will (at least on a week-day) get a more immediate
reply (straight after work, before I go home, most likely).
Sorry, everybody 'bout these off-topic ramblings, but I wanna make
sure you don't think I've upped an' left, or sumpin'...
Anyway -- that thing in "Kvacket" #4/93, don't worry! It's a flat
statement to the effect that Barks visited the show in Atlanta, and
that there is information from you that Barks' "agent" has been in
contact with egmont about a visit to Scandinavia/Europe, while "other
/unnamed in the item/ sources" claims that the initiative comes from
In NK #24 there's nothing much that concerns you directly, although I
think (and as editor sincerly hope!) you would find it all fairly
interesting on a more general basis. Also, in the letter column,
there's a letter from a (rather young) NAFS(k) member, who says he
wants "to solve the question about the founding of Duckburg", and we
tell him that Barks doesn't give very much to go upon, but that you've
presented your version (this is the letter'n'answer that accompanies
your Cornelius-Coot-happily-looking-upon-Fort-Duckburg/"Ah even
Americanized the name a mite"-panel on page 32) in "Last Sled to
Dawson", "His Majesty McDuck" and "Lo$" with a short re-capitulation
of that version.
But, seriously, Don -- have you never considered LEARNING another
language or two? It's not all THAT difficult to learn a language, at
least enough to be able to follow a piece of written text with some
help from a dictionary, if not enough to speak it. Not that
Swedish/Scandinavian should/would be a first choice, or so, but never-
the-less -- why not? From your comics, if nothing else, it's quite
obvious that you have a feel for language and words...
Jes' an' idear -- please don't take notice or offense if found
All my best, as always!
!* Mattias Hallin ** <Mattias.Hallin at> ** Phone: +46 46-14 84 43 **!
!* Trollebergsvagen 24 B ***** Work: Lund University, Box 117, S-221 00 Lund **!
!* S-222 29 Lund, SWEDEN **************************** Phone: +46 46-10 71 37 **!
!********************** "Oh, the world owes me a livin'" **********************!
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