Ole, Don, Fabio (Disney-comics digest #350.)

Harry Fluks H.W.Fluks at research.ptt.nl
Thu Jun 9 10:27:38 CEST 1994

Ole about the filenames of the Disney comics Database:
> The file names on .lysator. are a bother though.

Agreed. Since all files are in one separate directory, there's no need to
start all extensions with 'db'. And maybe I can produce files with longer
names #ifdef UNIX (i.e. if the programs run on a Unix system).

> 	I have another IMPORTANT matter to discuss... about Barks and
> his tour... and his "MANAGER".

You're making me curious. Are you going to tell us or did you decide not to
discuss it after all?

> About the egg-born: to have Donald explicitly sorting out of an egg is a
> device that has been used some other time during the years in Italian 
> stories [...]

I remember a Danish story ("The Fountain of Youth") where the Ducks get
younger and younger, and end up as eggs. And I'm sure the egg gag has been
used on several other occasions (e.g. a "youth picture of daddy" in a story).

> Last thing: the tree has not an Italian origin, but, as Luca Boschi told
> me, it was made in Germay. I do not know if we are referring to the same
> German tree: the one Luca showed me had portrayals of some characters and,
> I must add, it was poorly drawn.

Then it must be the tree I'm talking about 8-). It includes drawings of
Spanish Donaldo el Ducko, several Scottish McDucks, Cornelius Coot, and
distant cousins like Dappy Duck, Fethry Duck, Moby Duck, etc.

Fabio about the Italian story starring Barks as "The Man behind the Ducks":
> And mentioning the exhibition in Venice makes sense [..]

I meant to say that mentioning it in a Gladstone _reprint_ wouldn't make
any sense.

> Besides that: why should Barks fans be upset? The story simply is a hommage
> to the man of the ducks, and even if it is not perfect... who care?

I do. I don't like the idea that Barks did not invent his characters, but 'met'
them and had an agreement with them to draw them. The story also alleges
that Barks drew his Ducks poorly in the beginning.
I prefer the more 'perfect' Rosa-style hommages.

> The issue of Paperino Mese devoted to the 60 years of Donald just hit the
> stands. It contains the story by Rosa "The duck tha never was" (at last,
> Don)

So this is the first Don Rosa story reprinted in Italy?


Harry         PTT Research       ()_()     Dutch Disney comics freak
Fluks         Leidschendam        (_)      H.W.Fluks at research.ptt.nl

              "Yeah... I've _heard_ of coral barques!"

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