Disney-comics digest #371.

Don Rosa 72260.2635 at compuserve.com
Thu Jun 30 05:34:03 CEST 1994

	Thanks for the Happy Birthday wishes!

	Sorry... haven't copied those pages to send you yet.
	You spotted Grandey's ad with the usual section reserved for the
customary Don-Rosa-attack? I saw that also... but can you make sense out
of it? Which of my stories had $crooge saying "dadburn" on the first
page... or on ANY page??? Could the poor fellow of meager literacy
abilities be referring to part I where $crooge is saying "goldurn"? In
my original script, it was "dang"... but I'll stand behind "goldurn" or
"dadburn". Why wouldn't an old one-time cowboy use that expression? This
is what we were saying about Grandey grasping at straws, and doing
you-know-what in the wind.

	Now that you've popped in, I need to tell you that I finally
sent you a long comment on "Two In One" and posted it all as a reply to
your original May 6 message. I sure hope you can access that college
computer account. I can't type all that again!

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