Hotwind J. Flated

Harry Fluks H.W.Fluks at
Thu Mar 24 09:59:02 CET 1994

David asked about the Jippes story in last
month's WDC&S ("High-Flying Picnic"):
> 	Important question:  The author of Donald's ballooning book in
> that story, Hotwind J. Flated, is clearly a caricature of Carl Barks.
> Some of the ink lines look altered.  Was this a Barks caricature in
> the Dutch version as well?  If so, has it been altered for its
> appearance here?

In the Dutch version the book has no author at all: no picture on the
book, and no name is mentioned. The book has only a title on the front cover,
and a picture of a balloon on the back cover.

Jippes did draw a Barks caricature in another story (a Junior Woodchuck
redraw). Maybe Gladstone used that one in this story?


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