I'm visiting Vancouver!
Nikolaus Andresen
niko at otto.ramz.ing.tu-bs.de
Thu May 12 14:02:59 CEST 1994
Hi there Barks and Gottfredson-freaks!
I know I'm not one of the regular posters
( mostly when I have requests :-) )
but nevertheless I've got another question:
Are there any canadian members from the region
around Vancouver or US-members from the west
down to California in this list ?
Me, I'm one of the german members of
this list and I'm going for a summer-job
abroad to Vancouver from July to September,
and maybe I'll travel around a bit down
to the states.
If anyone is interested to be visited :-)
and have a chat with a big Barks and
Gottfredson fan, just let me know!
Nikolaus Andresen
<niko at ramz.ing.tu-bs.de>
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