Disney comics Database

Per Starback starback at Minsk.DoCS.UU.SE
Wed May 25 23:35:35 CEST 1994

I've just gotten a bunch of files from Harry which I have now put up
on ftp (pub/comics/disney at ftp.lysator.liu.se).

It's the first version of the Disney comics Database.  That is, it's
not the "raw" input files, and not the programs that do stuff with
them, but the lists what those programs make out of it.

I called the new subdirectory for this stuff "index", as this is where
all index stuff will be in the future.  I guess most of the index
files in the top Disney comics directory will go away in the future,
but I haven't deleted anything yet.

The files there are:

* LEGEND	See this file for more detailed explanation.
* creators.dbl	Abbreviations for the creators.
* heroes.dbl	Abbreviations for the title characters.
* gl-*.dbl	The Gladstone (and Disney Comics) index, listing the
			contents of each book. 
* w-cb.dbl	Carl Barks reprint index.  (Only stuff made for Western.)
* ar.dbl	Reprint index of Gladstone stories ("Another Rainbow").
* d.dbl		Reprint index of "Danish" stories.
* f.dbl		Reprint index of French stories.
* h.dbl		Reprint index of Dutch stories.
* i.dbl		Reprint index of Italian stories.
* k.dbl		Reprint index of Disney Comics stories.
* s.dbl		Reprint index of Disney Studio stories.
* y*.dbl	Reprint indexes of daily newspaper strips.
* z*.dbl	Reprint indexes of newspaper Sunday pages.

* w-*.dbs	Story files (without reprint information) of Western
			stories (Dell/Gold Key)

(Thanks a lot for all your work, Harry!  Just a short question...
What's all this copyright business at the beginning of some of the
output files?  Surely all these programs and data are to be free?!)

And another ftp thing.  I think I forgot to announce a new version of
the don-rosa.index from David when I put it there.  His changes are
described as
> May 11, 1994      David: Updated info on covers, several corrections
>                   (especially reversal of cover data for WiC 6 and WiC
>                   7), and new criteria for titled vs. untitled covers.
--       "
Per Starback, Uppsala, Sweden.  email: starback at minsk.docs.uu.se
 "Life is but a gamble!  Let flipism chart your ramble!"

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