
John-Trygve Staff johnsta at ifi.uio.no
Mon Nov 28 13:02:58 CET 1994

Per Starback wrote:
 "Life is but a gamble!  Let flipism chart your ramble!"

This is a quote from an old (substitute with exact age and think of
me as increadibly clever managing to remember) story where Donald
flips a coin every time he has to make a choice, right?

I think so, and I also think I read it in a reprint here in Norway a
few years ago. Anyway, does anyone know the storycode for this one, or
even better - when it was last published in Norway. (Do you know, Jorgen?)

I hope someone can help, 'cause I would really love to read that story 
again and I can't find it anywhere.

|    Ornulf Staff     |	"Reliable information lets you say 'I don't |
| johnsta at ifi.uio.no  |	 know' with real confidence" 		    |
|		      |				-Solomon Short      |
*(My name is Ornulf, the header is wrong)****************************

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