Becattini's Index to join our Database!

Tue Nov 29 19:51:28 CET 1994

      Dear Folks,

      Fabio just wrote me some private E-Mail containing, besides 
discussion of our own meeting-to-come, some news he wanted the list 
to have, but didn't have time to send twice.
      First, HARRY:  Your copy of the Index, of which THE SECOND 
VOLUME IS NOW PUBLISHED, has not been forgotten.  Fabio will be 
giving it to me when I see him in December, and when I come to visit 
you, you'll get it from me, then.

      If others of you want the index, what these are, are thick 
paperback books (Vol. 1, $30;  Vol. 2, $35) with complete Dell 
indexes in them.  I don't know if the information on what untitled 
gags are about is as complete as what we have in our Index, but daily 
strips are dated, credits are at their most complete -- great, eh?

      Furthermore, Alberto Becattini is going to give Fabio a disk with 
his Complete Dell Index in computer form on it, so we can add it to 
the Database.
       >PLOP!<  (That's the sound of Harry fainting, folks.  Oh, so 
you don't believe that?  ;-)

      That doesn't mean that some of you won't want the Index in book 
form -- it reprints hundreds of samples from the various comics 
(single panels to several pages in length, all reproduced rather 
small, though).  It's really a good thing to have.
      You can order both volumes by writing to:  Dell Index, Al Fumetto 
Club;  maybe someone can give an address, but if not, Fabio will give 
it to me for all of us, soon. 

      David Gerstein

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