Disney-comics digest #634.

Don Rosa donrosa at iglou.com
Tue Apr 11 08:26:00 CEST 1995

        What physical law did I break at the end of "The Universal Solvent"?
I don't doubt I did, it's just that it's been over a year since I did the
story and I don't recall.
        Highway tunnels below rivers and such must always have emergency
escape exits which lead to a separate corridor with a separate air supply.
The corridor, especially when in an underwater tunnel, would simply follow
alongside the main tunnel.
        In my script, the Universal Solvent had a brand-name, and each time
the name was used it was supposed to be accompanied by a gag "trademark" or
"copyright" symbol... (a 'c' in a 'O'). And the name was the same I used for
the Solvent in the 1978 version -- "Omnisolve" (dissolves all).

        The sign on the sandwiches was supposed to say "free lunch" which is
what salloons did in those days for their customers. Why was it changed?
Rather than waste time worrying about that, I have my hands full wondering
about the countries where the sign (as are many signs in poorly editted
editions) was simply left BLANK, with $crooge doing a "take" while looking
at a blank sign, as if he's thinking "What the -- why is this sign blank?!",
same as me. Why was it changed to 30c? Perhaps the editor never heard of
free lunch salloons and didn't know why the food was free? No -- here's a
"Disney" type reason -- $crooge was taking advantage of the free food by
stocking up, so he's a crook. Eh?

        From what I've heard, the U$ issues with the "Lo$" all sell out
immediately everywhere. We were discussing that here last week. That's why
price guides list the #285 for $15 and even the latest issue at $5. American
stores simply don't take Disneys seriously and never increase their orders
even though they sell out the previous month. When a super-hero comic sells
out, they increase the order a few issues the next month, which makes sense.
When a Gladstone sells out, they just think "Whew! What luck I'm not stuck
with more of those!"

        Yes, the Rosa lithographs will always be "cheap". Hamilton knows
that I want none of that whole phony "collectibles" racket where he charges
$400 for posters or $800 for the same poster with a gold stripe around it.
You know what a "lithograph" is, right? A comic book is a whole book of
lithographs. A soup can label is a lithograph. "Lithograph" is the word you
use when you want to charge extra for a poster. You're not paying for the
product -- you're paying for the investment potential, the signature, etc. 
        This shouldn't suggest that there's that sort of market for my
stuff, anyway. Not for another 30 years or so, if ever. But Hamilton has
known me for 25 years and knows that I am the antithesis of greed. That's
why the Weasel Group hate and fear me. They know I'll always be opposed to
their philosophy, and my uncooperative existance is very bad for their business.
        (There's a good quote to be reported to Weasel Central.)

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