Colors and stuff

Egil Pettersen egil at
Tue Aug 8 17:15:14 CEST 1995

    The photostats of your art that we get in Norway have color notes 
in the margins as you mentioned they should have. However, the 
instructions are not always followed. I would think the notes are 
there when the photostats are sent back to USA as well.

    I did like Lo$ #12 when I first saw it, allthough it was kind of 
different to see that Scrooge actually went into  retirement for some 
time! In "Only a poor old man" Barks shows him getting from despair 
to "I´m gonna make it-mood" in a couple of pages, and Jack Chandler 
says that "What makes him tick is a small amount of water from the 
fountain of youth they found in U$ 32" in his book "An informal 
Biography of Scrooge McDuck". So of course Scrooge has his ups and 
downs as we all have. But retirement was strange to me. So I would 
like you to explain that a little more in the chapter if possible.

   Also, the chase could be longer, but the correctiones you list 
yourself has taken care of that. Some of us love the small details 
that pop up every now and then in your stories, so the cannon would 
be perfect in the lobby!


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