Fethry codes ++

Jørgen Andreas Bangor jorgenb at ifi.uio.no
Thu Feb 2 22:11:47 CET 1995

Takk til Per for a ha satt meg listen igjen. Ikke noe a si pa 
responstiden der. Jeg fikk mail (til listen) omtrent fem minutter
etter at jeg hadde sendt mailen til Per :-)  

>You probably know this already (or could look it up in the Database)

I planned to, but suddenly I somehow found myself in a hurry, so I
didn't have time to check it.

BTW, I think I will wait a little longer between each mail next time
I send several at once. They appeared in the wrong order. Not that it 
means so much, though.

HARRY again:
>This reminds me of our Don Rosa index. It hasn't been updated for months.

I'm working on a Norwegian index, but it won't be finished for a while. 
It's not difficult to make any late updates, though. The Croesus story, and
the older pie story are the only ones that have been published here for a 
looong time.

DAVID, I still think those stories were bad, especially the Mickey story.
BTW: Are there often Gyro stories in the British weekly?

>"'Phantom Bob Returns'" 

Phantom who? In the Norwegian issue there is a panel, from that story
(I guess), which shows The Phantom Blot torturing Mickey with a feather.
I do not look forward to see that story...

Fethry stories
Here are the codes of some Fethry stories. Most of them were published
in Norway in the early seventies. There are a lot of stories in older
issues too, but I haven't had time to find them yet. Fethry's first
appearance in Norway was in 1963, BTW.

S0011  S0015  S0078  S0139  S2422  S74150  S9094  S13150
T701  T703  T915 
X0053  X0100  X5024  X6012  X6071  X6103  X6107  X6148  X7011  X7148 
X7153  X7168  X7194  X7212  X8054  X8055  X8059  X8088  X8205  X8227 
X9034  X9063  X9087  X9111

And a few stories with Hog Haid Moe:
S74146  S74150
X1048  X8055  X8139  X8191

Hjemmet has started to give the codes for the front covers now. Are you 
interested in those, DAVID (or anyone else)?

And, ah yes, DAVID. I've sent that DD&Co with "Two in one". I hope it will 
reach you, because I forgot to put my own address on the envelope. 
I put into it a facsimile of an old issue too. In 1979 and 1980 Hjemmet 
published a series of facsimiles of the first DD&Co magazines. This one is 
a facsimile of #3 1950. I looks quite nice (and I had six of them...). 


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