
Jørgen Andreas Bangor jorgenb at
Tue Feb 7 22:40:42 CET 1995

>I suddenly realise I'm not sure if I have described the main gag of
>'A tiresome cure for insomnia' or that other insomnia story,

I think you're right. I remember now the story you're describing, and 
I think the story I discribed is more than four pages.

>Is this Barks?

Yup. It has been published here before those orange books were published. 
There are several stories were Barks used donkeys, BTW.

>For example, Fethry makes dinner,

I begin to think that I'm mixing up two, or possibly three, stories. A lack
of imagination from the writers, eh?

The pigs are called Napoleon, Snoball (Snowball, the 'o' is a Norwegian 'oe',
like the one in my name) and Pipskrik (Squealer).

>I'm very honored to know you like my stories so much 

You better go on writing that way ;-)

Goofy stories
I like those stories, but... I'm not so sure I like to see them in a small 
comic book format, together with stories of a more familiar type. I like 
them a lot better the way they were published here, as an own album series. 
BTW: I don't like the Mickey and Sleuth stories.

>I certainly hope not. One of the things I like best about both Van Horn 
>and our own Don Rosa is that both have a different and original style. 
>Van Horn trying to copy Barks can only become worse, in my opinion. What 
>do you mean by "relaxed", by the way?

I like Don's style very much, but not neccesarily because it's so different.
Don has found his style, and it's a good one.
Van Horn does also have his own style, but I usually don't like it. I think
the duck's, and other character's, expressions usually are too exaggerated.
Don's ducks seems very real, and you can be sure that a character is exactly
the same from one panel to another one (in the same story). I don't get that
feeling with a van Horn story (except for this last one, and maybe that fish
story). This non-relaxed style fits a few stories, like the pizza delivery 
story, but certainly not that Barks story.
I agree that it wouldn't neccesarily  be a good thing if he started to copy
Barks, but I would like it if he "slowed down" to Barks' tempo.


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