Gladstone's Uncle Scrooge 291
H.W. Fluks
fluks at
Mon Feb 13 13:52:44 CET 1995
A lot has been said already, but here are some remarks about U$ 291.
Cover: looks a bit stiff. Maybe because Scrooge is shown twice,
right next to each other, with the same clothes and almost the same face
Dreamtime Duck of the Never-never: this must be one of the rare
occasions where Disney did not change anything in a Rosa story. At least
I couldn't see any difference with the dutch version.
**** (minor) SPOILER ****
BTW: in the dutch version, Scrooge is not called "Jonflip". The
English text is:
JK: "Blow this didgeridoo while I speak the incantation"
U$: "Great! Now I'm John Philip Sousa!"
JK: "And I am Jabiru Kapirigi, new friend of Jonflip Zooza!"
The last two lines in re-translated dutch:
U$: "Okay, I will honk!" ("Okee, ik toeter wel!")
JK: "And I Jaribu Kapirigi, new friend of Willhonk!"
I guess they thought the dutch readers wouldn't know Sousa.
(How did they translate it in other countries?)
**** END OF SPOILER ****
A case of too much money: this is indeed a case of too much
words. For instance, on the last panel of page 3, the second sentence
adds nothing to the story:
"I'm not gonna spend one ton of money to get rid of another ton!
Rubleniks are worthless, but the principle bothers me, dagnabbit!"
The fact that rubleniks are worthless has nothing to do with Scrooge
spending money. What's the principle?
And apart from the beautiful drawings, *I* wouldn't have chosen this
story for reprint in a Gladstone comic.
Letters page: I'm glad Becattini cleared up my confusion about
Rockerduck. Don said he was an original Italian character, but he IS
indeed created by Barks.
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