Gladstone/Marvel cataclysm
9475609 at
Fri Jan 20 14:51:19 CET 1995
AUGIE: "... Heroes World (an Eastern comic book distributor in
America) was recenly purchased by Marvel, sending shockwaves
out through the industry..."
BRUCE HAMILTON: "Marvel recently cancelled its contract to buy
the traditional Disney comics from Gladstone for newsstand
distribution, so now we have no direct dealings with Marvel."
Gladstone's now stuck with distributing the comics in
whatever less-financially-attractive way they did it from 1986-
1989: through the normal, non-Marvel way.
Gladstone's deal with Marvel involved Marvel BUYING an entire stock
of Disney comics, sending them out to newsstands, and then swallowing
the returned unsold copies itself. Now Gladstone will have to
swallow the returned copies. There's only one advantage as I see it,
and that, I imagine, is that other distribution companies will do a
better job getting Gladstones into the newsstands than Marvel did.
After all, Gladstone will be paying them to do same. But since
Marvel was the OWNER of the Gladstones it distributed, Gladstone
couldn't complain a whit about their poor distribution. Marvel had
bought them, and Marvel had itself to answer to if they decided
distribution was poor.
But It WAS up to Gladstone, as I see it, to help Marvel along (as
well as themselves, of course -- let's not forget that) by
advertising a lot in magazines such as HERO, and by constantly
announcing their new stories and innovations to the fan press.
They didn't bother. Maggie Thompson pointed out to me that
Gladstone never sent the CBG any press releases or comments
about what they were publishing, even though the CBG would have liked
to have run articles about it. No complimentary copies either for
Thompson to review. Only proofs of the ads they wanted to
have used on the back covers. That was it.
Gladstone's management -- be it Bruce Hamilton's decision, or that of
someone else -- decided that they didn't need to advertise anywhere
but on the back of the CBG. Unfortunately, now it looks like they've
paid the price. Even if they get better distribution from going back
to their 1980s method, they'll have to swallow a lot of returned
copies. Things are going to be very different.
My personal expectation is that DONALD AND MICKEY will be on the
ropes. Either it will be forced to change its format to include more
popular Mickey stories, or the decision will be made that Mickey
himself is the reason for the poor sales (despite the comparatively
good sales of WDC&S), and D&M will fold. I hope the former course is
Actually, maybe Gladstone will have Archie distribute its comics, as
with the 1985 one-shots (did anyone notice the "Gladstone distributed
by Archie" logo on the digest versions of USGDG and DBPG?).
I hate to say this, but I think that Gladstone's management made this
bed. Now they have to sleep in it. I only hope that Gladstone is up
to the challenge. Otherwise, you can bet Marvel will end up with the
license, somehow. Marvel will find a way to make them sell, because
Marvel has Influence. (I capitalized that to make it look important,
but now it looks like Influence is another comic book publisher. It
certainly sounds like one.)
David Gerstein
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