Disney-comics digest #714.
Mike Pohjola
mikep at freenet.hut.fi
Thu Jul 6 18:30:36 CEST 1995
>> And what the hell did they need to change that button to a microphone
>> if the albatross had a one too?
>You will find my explanation to that when you read the past month's mail.
Well, maybe I should've had, but I didn't. I must've got a bit careless
around 2am or something... So what was the explanation?
>> And then he even has a
>> horse on the money-bin yard!!! Why would he use a horse carriage anyway?
>That horse was just somewhere in Duckburg, and was attracted by Scrooge's
Pretty close to the moneybin anyway. And I think the whole horse
stuff was not really essential to the story. The part about opening his
moneybin with a sound was obviously stolen from the Barks story about the
Cathedral of Notre Duck and the final solution from the one where BB were
trying to enter Scrooge's moneybin inside a lion.
>> And then they find the giant horse covered with gold. And Beagleboys
>> have been lurking inside it all the time!
>No, they climbed in it after Scrooge shipped it to the Duckburg harbour.
>The BB didn't make that horse themselves, BTW.
MAJOR SPOILER to Horsing Around History (what does the name got to do with it?)
Well, I guess you're right. But anyway, this was a major yawner to
me. I mean, the story in a nutshell:
Scrooge: "Blahblahblah... horse... blahblahblah"
Albatross steals Scrooge's button. Tailor comes in.
Tailor: "In case an albatross has stolen a button from your jacket, I can
fix it. For free."
HDL: "We do not find this the least bit open to doubt."
Scrooge: "Well, I do, so I'll give my jacket to him anyway, but you boys
must follow him."
Scrooge gives his jacket to a tailor whom HDL follow. In the meantime Scrooge
and Donald are in the moneybin.
Scrooge: "I'm gonna go to Mediterranean to find a treasure. And with this
supership that costed three multimillions I'll have no problem!"
Donald: "Gosh!"
HDL in the tailor's shop:
Huey: "They all have a long beard and look as if they were wearing masks. I do
not suspect anything."
Dewey: "This one gut eats plumes just like one of the Beagleboys. I do not
suspect anything."
Louie: "They got surprisingly excited to do just this little work. I do not
suspect anything."
HDL: "We think they have nothing at all to do with the albatross who stole
the button!"
HDL return to the moneybin where they leave with Scrooge and Donald using
a helicopter. They finally arrive to the supership.
Huey: "I see no other boats, but there's an albatross sitting on the radar.
All these coincidences feel perfectly normal to me."
After searching for treasures for five minutes a worker (who btw, is not
using the ship's super-abilities that costed three multimillions) finds
something: A whole basket of gold!
Scrooge: "Hmm... This should be a bit harder! Well, the next two weeks will
probably be all fruitless."
Captain: "There is a whole fleet sunk below us!"
Scrooge: "Holy cow! I've never seen anything less questionable in my whole
Everybody goes diving in order to still not use the super-abilities that
costed three multimillions. They find treasures. Scrooge goes down too, gets
lost and find an amfora. Inside it they find an Uuencoded S.O.S. which
HDL cleverly translate while noticing the albatross spying on them in an
un-suspicious way. Then the captain proofs himself to be completely
incompetent to do his job: He knows less about his home than three children
and still tries to sail even though he has only few feet of water under
The ducks then find the cave where the people who wrote the S.O.S. were
trapped. They had had lots of free time, countless amount of valuables and
wood and apparently a quite high skill in engineering, so what had they
done? No, they hadn't build a ship and sailed away with the gold, but instead
done the more logical thing: They covered a giant horse with the gold. And
this is the horse the ducks find.
Scrooge: "This was all a bit too easy. Not that I would suspect something,
Scrooge cleverly disguises the horse as a big pile of rubbish and ships it
to Duckburg. Being astoundingly smart, he then leaves one of the most
valuable treasures in the world, to the harbor unguarded. This is when the
Beagleboys enter it.
In the moneybin yard the ducks have a meeting with yet another albatross.
Instead of thinking it to be the same albatross they saw in Duckburg earlier,
they suddenly start to suspect something (!) and are quite convinced that
this albatross is the one they saw in the other side of the world. God only
knows why they think this. Anyway they notice it has got a mini-microphone
and a transmitter and start running to warn Scrooge. But he already had
BB arrested inside. All is well again.
>> I do think this was his worst adventure yet.
>Hm.. I can think of a few worse stories... (only a few!)
Sure hope I'll never have to read them. What are they?
What is the Disney-comics drawing Van Horn's first name?
Mike - The Finnish Trekkie
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