Brazilian Comics

Paulo Barreto Paulo_Barreto at digi.AX.APC.ORG
Tue Jul 11 18:00:06 CEST 1995


   }| "Sistema de defesa computadorizado" (I 1867)

   }I think I recognize this. It has been in the Jumbob*ger. DD keeps the
   }password to himself, BB guesses it and get into the moneybin (...)

        Yes, that's the same story I read.  I like it, too, but this story,
        together with the aforementioned "O cinto linguarudo" (DD in
        trouble with a talking belt) make me remember the time Italian
        stories were a bit better.

           _____m__(0/\0)__m_____  P.C.Barreto
                                   mad at

* M_A_D ..The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades!
~~~ EOEC/OLX v1.5 [NR] - not registered evalution copy

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